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Essential Pitching Tips for Influencers: How to Secure Lucrative Brand Deals

Let's be honest, landing brand deals isn’t just about having a pretty Instagram feed or a few thousand followers. It’s about mastering the pitch, knowing how to negotiate like a boss, and sealing the deal in a way that leaves both you and the brand wanting more. Whether you are a blogger, influencer, or content creator, you need to develop your perfect pitch in other to secure brand deals, especially the ones that require some cold calling first. These 5 pitching tips will help you step up your game.

5 Tips To Master Pitching To Brands

1. Research is Everything

Before you even think about hitting send on that pitch, get your research game on point. Know the brand inside and out—what’s their mission, who’s their audience, and what campaigns have they recently run? The more you know, the better you can tailor your pitch to show that you are exactly what they need. All the better if you can identify gaps in their previous campaigns and present solutions to close those gaps.

2. Craft a Killer Pitch

Let's flex your storytelling skills! Your pitch needs to be sharp, to the point, and packed with value. Remember, it's all about the value! Hook them right from the start. Then, give them the quick lowdown on who you are, what you do, and why you’re different from every other influencer sliding into their inbox. Don’t forget to include numbers—brands love seeing metrics, so show them those engagement rates or success stories. DO NOT FOCUS ON VANITY METRICS. Show them the metrics that will get them sales and conversions. Tacfully include some ideas for the partnership to catch their attention further so they know you understand their brand and have thought through the pitch properly.

3. Personalize Like a Pro

There’s nothing worse than receiving a pitch that all you need to do is change the brand name and it could be for a competing brand. Personalize your pitch by mentioning something specific about the brand or a recent campaign that caught your eye or a particular product of theirs. It shows you’ve done your homework and that you’re genuinely interested, not just out here pitching to every brand under the sun.

4. Follow Up, But Don’t Be Pushy

You’ve sent your pitch, and now...crickets. Don’t panic. Following up is a smart move, but timing is key. Give it at least a week before you send a polite follow-up. And here’s the pro tip: in that follow-up, add something new to the conversation—another idea or a fresh perspective. Keep the ball rolling without being pushy or spamming their email. 

5. Always Push for a Win-Win

At the end of the day, the keyword is what is in it for me? For you and for the brand. Aim for partnerships where both sides feel like they’ve won. Not only does this set you up for future collaborations, but it also positions you as someone brands want to work with again. It’s about building relationships, not just cashing checks.

Pitching isn't nerve-wracking and doesn't have to be. All it's about is identifying the brand's needs and positioning yourself as someone with the wherewithal to provide solutions. By mastering the art of a personalized, value-packed pitch, you are on your way to signing and closing powerful, profitable partnerships with brands. So go ahead, get out there, and make those brand deals happen!

Photo by Sepehr Hashemi on Unsplash